Eat2Gather bay leaf tastemaker

Bay leaf

What is it? Bay leaf comes from the bay laurel plant. It can grow up to 15 meters high and thrives in Mediterranean countries such as Greece and Turkey. You will find the dried leaves in almost every kitchen cabinet, because it is often used as a seasoning in stews, marinades, soups and sauces.

Tip: Add some bay leaf to your bath water. It has a muscle relaxing effect.

Food fact: Laurel was known in Roman times as a symbol of victory. That’s where the term laurel wreath comes from, with which victors were crowned. Just browse the comic books of Asterix and Obelix: Julius Caesar is always depicted with a laurel wreath.

Recipe: Bay leaf is rich in potassium, magnesium and vitamins B6, B9 and C and is therefore very healthy. It can also be drunk very well as a tea. Steep 3 to 4 leaves in hot water, and after 10 minutes you have a mug of delicious bay leaf tea. Sweeten with a little honey if desired.

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